
Welcome to the website for Iona’s Namescape: Place-Names and their dynamics in Iona and its environs

Name of the month: June 2024

Clach Chùil ‘rock of the corner or nook’ is an imposing collection of rocks near Calbha in the north-western part of the island. It is described by Dugald MacArthur (TAD ID 84012, part 1, 40:45) as ‘a heap of large loose stones with considerable space into which sheep get jammed at times and into which small boys always like to climb’. It is worth noting that in the same recording he also corrects the Ordnance Survey which places the rock in the sea, describing it as ‘a small rocky island’, despite the rock in question being located ca. 50 yards above the high-water mark.

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This is a three-year project funded by the AHRC and based in Celtic & Gaelic at the University of Glasgow. The core objective of the project is a survey of the place-names of Iona and the nearby island of Staffa. This will be presented in the form of an interactive web resource in due course on this site (planned to be ready for 2022); and in the form of a volume in the Survey of Scottish Place-Name series.

We will also be researching the early records for the topography of Iona; the names of Iona’s monuments; and the relationship between Iona and Mull. A key part of our research involves trying to understand the dynamism of names and naming in Iona, both over the centuries, and among the different constituent communities who live on and interact with the island in the present.

We are partnered with the two heritage bodies in whose care Iona and Staffa sit: the National Trust for Scotland and Historic Environment Scotland.

More detail about the project can be found here.

We will be producing regular blogs on our research which you can consult here.

This web resource is under construction and will be constantly updating as the project progresses.